These are three restaurants from the seven I went to that I wouldn’t hesitate to a) recommend and b) return to. All of them serve quite large portions so sharing is a very good option.
Ristorante al Moro
Even though this restaurant is just round the corner from the Trevi Fountain, which is where many of the tourist filled restaurants are, Ristorante al Moro is a traditional, excellent Italian restaurant offering very good food and excellent service.
The restaurant is always crowded and noisy, and you can be sitting next to locals or visitors from any country. If in season try the wonderful artichokes, but frankly anything on the menu is going to be very good and typically Roman.
We tried to get in for a second evening on a whim and failed because they were full. You have been warned… book well ahead.
Ristorante al Moro,
Vicolo Bollette, 13
00187 Roma (RM) – Italia
+39 06 6783495
Galurra Restaurant
Galurra is a gastronomic seafood restaurant in Rome about a 15 minute taxi ride from the center. The food is seriously good and the portions are large. If you order your dinner to share, you won’t fall over when you get the bill. And just one word of warning, unless you’re happy to pay a small fortune don’t order the fish by the kg. As with most restaurants, this is a sure fire way to end up with a hefty charge.
Having said that, this was undoubtedly the best meal I had in Rome, the food was marvellous and the wine definitely not over priced. I loved every minute and would return in a flash.
Gallura - Via Giovanni Antonelli, 2, 00197 Roma RM, Italy
+39 06 807 2971
Ginger Sapori e Salute Restaurants Rome
Ginger Sapori e Salute (via Borgognona) is an extraordinary establishments offering healthy food, beautifully prepared, including salads, smoothies, pasta and seafood in a modern setting.
If you go at lunch time and it’s a fine day you can sit outside in the small street the restaurant is located on, or eat in one of the large rooms inside. Go early and you probably won’t have a wait, wait until 1pm and you will. Book for the evening but it’s much less crowded then.
There are two menus, the daytime menu which includes salads and sandwiches, and the evening menu proper. Whatever you order you can expect the freshest of produce and a fast but friendly service. They have an excellent wine list as well.
There are two branches of Ginger Sapori e Salute:
Via Borgognona, 43-46, 00187 Roma RM, Italy
+39 06 6994 0836
Piazza di S. Eustachio, 54, 00186 Roma
+39 06 686 4995
It’s very easy to pick the wrong place to eat in Rome, there are so many restaurants, so many tourist traps, and so many places where the food is nothing to speak of. These three are well worth visiting.