Wednesday 13 December 2017

The wine lover’s gift guide 2017

Who doesn’t love wine, or knows someone who loves wine, or is sitting right now next to someone who loves wine? 

There are, of course, different types of wine lover.  There’s the ‘I love what I like’ wine lover – like me – who doesn’t know a huge amount but recognises something good when it appears.
There’s the ‘I know what I like’ wine lover, who knows quite a lot and frequently manages to lay their hands on something superb which cost less than you’d think, and a few bottles of something really special.

And finally there’s the ‘I know exactly what I like and I’m going to tell you all about it’, wine lover, otherwise known as the wine bore.  I wouldn’t try gift buying for this one – you are totally bound to get it wrong.
Dog au Vin Cushion - different versionsLe Creuset Sparkling Wine StopperLe Creuset AeratorHugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Guide 2018Joseph Joseph One Pull Waiters CorkscrewLe Creuset Black Nikel Lever CorkscrewCoravin MK 8Wooden Wine LadderRoot 7 Corkcicle Air Chiller Aerator PourerHammered Copper Wine Cooler
Buying gifts for wine lovers is the same as every other type of person, find something clever, decorative and useful that they’re going to want to use immediately.  On the whole don’t spend a fortune, you may be trying to be too clever, but who can have too many – good – corkscrews?  Who doesn’t need a copy of Hugh Johnson’s Pocket Wine Book each year? Who doesn’t love a beautiful decanter – be slightly careful here, you can spend a fortune.
The Wine Dine DictionaryAlessi Parrot CorkscrewRiedel Black Tie Bliss DecanterAntler Drinks Bucket - different sizesJancis Robinson The 24 Hour Wine ExpertLeather Cocktail ShakerWine Bottle ThermometerHugh Johnson on WineGeorg Jensen Wine CorkscrewRiedel Cabernet Decanter
I know many wine lover – and drinkers – as you almost certainly do too.  One thing I wouldn’t buy them is wine.  They usually know what they like, read all the experts such as Victoria Moore and Jancis Robinson each week and buy by specially picked wines. 
Wine Tools Gift SetRiedel Set of Four Vinum Bordeaux GlassesJoseph Joseph Winding CorkscrewRed Wine Tilted Glass CarafeRechargeable Electric Corkscrew
If you bring a wine lover a bottle of wine, unless it’s very very special, they’ll put it aside and probably forget about it.  I have seen this happen so many times. 
If you do bring a bottle that is very special make sure they know what it is and who it’s from.  Don’t go giving a bottle of your Chateau Latour to anyone who won’t know what they’ve been given.  Preferably someone who’ll share it with you. 

Scratch that – only someone who’ll share it with you…..