Thursday, 15 November 2012

Luscious Lips for Perfect Pouts – In Search of the Best Lip Balm – Beauty Reviews

Fig & Rouge Lip BalmI just ran a raid on the daughter’s room in search of my best lip balm, filched no doubt sometime at the end of last winter when I have a tendency to forget that I need this pout enhancing lip smoothing product with me all the time.

Unsurprisingly I found three, but not necessarily in a state that I wanted returned to me, so it’s been time to find a new lippy friend, a best lip balm, or several, one for my bedroom, one for my bag to go with me everywhere and one to sit on my desk.

  L'Occitane Shea Lip Balm    Burts Bees Tinted Lip BalmTrish McEvoy Flawless Lips Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Sheer Tint SPF 15Bobbi Brown Lip Balm

There are so many lip balms to choose from, from clear treatment balms to scented and flavoured varieties and tinted balms with or without shimmer. 

Kiehls Lip Balm  Clinique Repairware Lip Treatment Eve Lom Lip Treatmentrodial Glam Balm Lip

Lip balm has had a renaissance over the past few years, and the days when a little tin of Vaseline (although excellent) or the remains of a sun-proof ski stick were all you wanted or needed.  Now there are so many designer lip balms it’s difficult to choose, from tinted to flavoured to treatment, so I’ve picked out some of the best sellers.

Vaseline Pink Bubbly Lip TherapyToko Opera Mint Lip BalmKorres Lip Butter Stick Rose Aveda Lip Saver 

Unsurprisingly – again – I will not be buying one three times, but several different delicious sounding varieties which I will keep close at all times as rough or chapped lips are not a) attractive or b) sexy or c) kissable or d) comfortable.  I will also be buying duplicates for the daughter’s Christmas stocking, so that she leaves my best, favourite, perfect luscious lip producing lip balms alone this year, until she loses hers of course…………..