The problem with a great tote, as I know only too well, is that it holds so much…….stuff. Not just the essentials you carry in your handbag, but your iPad, extra wrap, umbrella, spare pair of heels etc etc etc, and worst of all it’s sheer temptation to just carry more around with you. When coupled with a handbag you can end up looking as if you’re off to somewhere exotic when you’re just going out for the day.
However, putting the above aside, a great tote is indispensible, for travel, for days out, for any journey where you need just that little (!) bit more with you. They tend to be very different to handbags in that they’re frequently open at the top so if that’s all you want to take with you you need to find one with good compartments, and that obviously doesn’t weigh a ton.
Here are some of this summer’s best, from Michael Michael Kors to DKNY.
Michael Michael Kors has without a doubt the best collection this summer, with his Jet Set tote available in a huge range of colours and prints. The lower row second from left you’ll have to order from the US, but it’s worth it to have something different ….. don’t you think?