Tangerine and orange are going to be everywhere this spring but this is not an easy colour to wear for most British skin tones, at least not without a tan. Most shades against pale skin will draw out any vestige of colour you have, and over applying the blush won’t help. It does depend on the deepness of the shade but you need to be very very careful or that DvF dress, once home, will never make it out of your closet.
If you’re hankering after a burst of orange and want to play it safe go for accessories, and if you just have to have the dress and you’re not sure if the shade is right hold it up to your face in daylight (don’t rely on changing room lights) and ask a friend. Alternatively and until you get some summer colour (fake or otherwise) wear it with something to diffuse the tone, such as a scarf or necklace.
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